This blog is a canvas with all of my art pieces posted on it, along with the meaning of each individual piece and what it symbolizes to me. Every picture can have a different meaning, it just depends on the person themselves & how you interpret it.

Graffiti - watercolours

For this piece, the main concept of it was graffiti art, and I included my name in it as well. I made my name bold by outlining it in a darker color so it catches the viewers eye. Around my name, there are different designs that I added to give off the 'graffiti' look. I choose to make the colors really vibrant and exciting. There are different ways to do so. On some parts I colored completely (with water color pencil crayons), like the stars and heart, to make them look bolder. On other parts like the red background and blue arrow, I  colored an outline, then with a paintbrush and water, went over the lines and created layers. These layers are what gives off the fading look to the color, which starts off bright then slowly fades lighter. My main goal of this picture was to create graffiti art that was bright, captivating, and caught the viewers attention.

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