This blog is a canvas with all of my art pieces posted on it, along with the meaning of each individual piece and what it symbolizes to me. Every picture can have a different meaning, it just depends on the person themselves & how you interpret it.

Quick Sketch – James Franco

This is a picture of James Franco I sketched with a No.2 pencil. It took about 20 minutes to sketch and shade in. I started off with a basic “head” shape with two crossing lines to align the nose. eyes and mouth on his face. I shaded in his hair and used a wavy shape to make his hair look more realistic like its sticking out. I also shaded in his facial hair in a lighter shade to create more of a dynamic.  Last but not least, wrinkles. I drew in some of his many distinct wrinkles.  When drawing wrinkles you have to proportion them right or else they may look awkward on the person’s face, or you might make them look “too old”.


  1. I'm surprised this only took you 20 minutes. This would take me an eternity. Do you have a deviantart account?

  2. Wow that definitely looks like him! Is this based off real life photos of him or is it part of a movie scene?

  3. I love James Franco :) you did an excellent job. Did you see him co-host at the academy awards?
